
Our Audit Methodology is simple – to provide clients with an objective view of their financial condition while maximizing transparency to stakeholders 

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Financial Audits

Our financial audits are specifically aligned with the client's function, and go beyond just the Balance Sheet and Income Statement. We develop a deep understanding of the industry in which we audit, to understand any long term strategies and blind-side risks that need to be addressed.

Compliance Audits.

Many entities, especially SLED (State and Local Governments and EDucational institutions) have certain nonfinancial requirements they must be audited on in conjunction with their financial audit. We provide methodical examinations of internal controls, third party communications, and verification of information provided.

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International Audits.

We live in a global economy. Today, many companies are multinational in some way or another. As such, there are many global stakeholders who wish to have financial statements prepared per IFRS. We provide IFRS financial audits, allowing the discerning client to participate fully in today's global market.

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Governmental Audits.

Entities receiving governmental funds must be audited by a CPA. If an entity receives state funding it must have a GAS "Yellow Book Audit. If an entity spends more than $750k federal funds in a year, it needs a Single Audit.

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Compilations & Reviews.

A compilation can be a cost-effective way to meet the reporting requirements of certain entities, such as banks and grantors. By conducting a compilation or a review we can provide a limited level of assurance about a client's financial statements.


We specialize in helping non-profit entities with their financial and governmental audits. Each entity is different, and we tailor our services to fit your individual needs.